The Handpiece Guy

U.S. Repair Service & Sales Location

U.S. Instrument Sharpening & Sales Locations

Michigan Center, MI

Missy Rankin

Call: (517) 937-5719

Buffalo, NY

Audrey Nagy

Call: (716) 380-5753

Houston, TX

Todd Prigmore

Call: (281) 785-3115

Canadian Repair Service & Sales Locations

Vancouver Island, BC

Jason Jubenville

Call: (250) 792-3346

Niagara Falls, ONT

Richard Radomski

Call: (905) 931-1260

Toronto, ONT

Menashe Miller

Call: (416) 782-2287

Profitable Locations Available for Purchase

We currently have several well established and profitable territories available. If you’re interested in purchasing an established territory rather than starting from scratch, let us know. We’ll be glad to help.

You can reach us Monday-Friday: (716) 868-6121